VIDEO: Sidney Crosby Game-Winner Against Leafs Shows Importance of Finding the Soft Spot and Catch and Release Shot
December 17, 2013
Sidney Crosby’s game-winner against the Toronto Maple Leafs last night December 17, 2013 is the perfect highlight to display his world-class skill and hockey smarts.
After the face-off Sidney stays open to the puck and finds what we call the “soft spot.” The “soft spot” is the area in the offensive zone on the strong side of the puck, away from the weak side winger (WSW) and net front D-man (NFD). By staying away from the slot, it feels unnatural for the WSW and NFD to cover the forward, which allows for scoring opportunities and open passing lanes from the strong side corner (purple area).
Sid uses a couple of smooth backward crossovers to get himself in the soft spot, pivots his hips while staying open to the puck and catches the pass and releases his shot in a quick and efficient manner (without stickhandling). Before the goalie knows it the puck is in the back of the net.
Sidney is one of the most skilled, hardest working and smartest hockey players in the world. #87 practices these skills and techniques on a regular basis in an effort to create more scoring opportunities for himself.